... ... ...
Ah.... The still quietness of a lifeless blog.
How soothing.
How peaceful.
Yeah. Yeah. I know. The blogs dead. Is it really a surprise. I have a lot to blog actually. But I guess, it's just the laziness that creeps into me every time I think "Oh! I have to update my blog. It's dead." That thought comes and it crawls into me. At first slowly. Then, all of sudden, it shoots straight up.
Straight up, what? Don't ask. Frankly, you don't want to know what I'm thinking about. :P
In any case, I guess I'll start updating again this month. Maybe in a couple of days. Until then. Au revoir.
6 thoughts
Legal seu blog, parabens. Visite o meu tambem
WOah! This was wayy back in Feb??
I like this post and its blog very much
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